Space Exploration


Journal of Modern and Applied Physics are accepting manuscripts for the researches related to space and are also giving membership opportunities for the benefits of the authors who are publishing regularly, as we are an open access platform , we are in process of accepting articles for upcoming issues so if interested kindly mail us at :- Supercomputers have been employed by US researchers to shed light on the solar wind's genesis. These high-energy solar wind particles have the potential to harm satellites, endanger astronauts, and potentially interfere with electrical and electronic systems on Earth. Because these charged particle emissions are the consequence of intricate nonlinear processes taking place in the Sun's corona, our star's outer atmosphere, they are typically difficult to anticipate. The corona is plasma of ionized particles that is incredibly hot and impossible to replicate in a controlled laboratory setting. Scientists at Columbia University in New York City have now created a technique for using supercomputers to predict these catastrophes. According to Luca Comisso and Lorenzo Sirloin, co-authors of the study outlining the research, "There are major uncertainties in the understanding of the physical properties of the plasma because we only have a limited number of measures of the plasma properties in the neighborhood of the Sun." Nonlinear processes, such as shocks, greatly increase this uncertainty. Are initially accelerated by an unidentified process, and then specific plasma processes, such as shocks, can further accelerate these particles to energy that are dangerous to astronauts and satellites. Understanding that initial acceleration is the difficult part. The main issue that remained unanswered, according to Comisso, was how some particles could begin acquiring energy from "scratch". Since the plasma is anticipated to be in a turbulent state in the Sun's atmosphere, one important possibility was to investigate its impacts. One needs to solve difficult nonlinear equations in order to analyse this option and determine whether it actually works. Intricate computation Solving these equations demands HPC resources and the duo relied on the particle-in-cell method to describe the process of particle acceleration in turbulent plasma. This method uses the electron and ion paths in self-consistent electromagnetic fields calculated on a set computing grid to streamline a complicated calculation. Previous studies used approximations that muddy the final conclusions in an effort to simplify the situation. According to Comisso, their most recent research was the first to demonstrate that the first acceleration is caused by turbulence in the Sun's outer atmosphere. Additionally, they used a strict methodology to arrive at their result rather than relying earlier guesses. On the NASA Pleiades supercomputer and the US National Energy Research Scientific Computing Center's Cori supercomputer, respectively, large-scale simulations for this topic were run. For each simulation, the researchers used 50,000–100,000 CPUs and approximately 1500 nodes on both machines to run particle-in-cell code. This significant computing, To keep track of the almost 200 billion particles used in each simulation, resources were required. Keeping Space Exploration Safe This study appears to be essential in improving our knowledge of the radiation threat to astronauts and spacecraft. Outside of the magnetosphere's shield, these high-energy particles pose threats to people, according to Comisso. "In essence, the Sun passes through intense activity stages that can result in considerable intensities of high-energy protons in big solar energetic particle events. Humans exposed to the high energy protons face a radiation risk due to their high intensity. The danger of cancer and death in astronauts is significantly increased by high radiation doses. However, this study's consequences go beyond that. The Sun is not the only astrophysical object that may be investigated using this technique, as Comisso emphasizes. Particles, for instance, are accelerated near other celestial bodies like neutron stars and black holes. I believe, we have only begun to scrape the surface of what supercomputer simulations can teach us about the energization of particles in a turbulent plasma, claims Comisso.